As you probably know, I did some reviews on PACKT Publishing technical books. Now I did a review on a new book about Gideros Mobile. At bit Time Software we used to create mobile games too and in the last months some of them have been built with Gideros Mobile (we do also training on the Gideros Mobile framework. If you are interested, check the contact me section ad write me an email).
The last game released by bit Time Software, is written with Gideros Mobile and is available for Android and iOS devices. It is called Math Brain HD and it’s free. Here’s the game icon.
At the last DROIDCON in Turin, IT, we held a speech about the Gideros Mobile framework.
So, being an advanced user, I’ve been really pleased to do this book review for PACKTPUB.
The title of the book is: Gideros Mobile Game Development
Here you can find the book page on PACKT Publishing web site
Here’s a bullet list of considerations about the book. These are a sum of feelings, mine and from my colleague at bit Time Software, Daniele Spinetti.
Is’s really simple to read, also for non native english people, and the contents are very well organized. When you finish to read the book, you are able to create a good level game, not a trivial one. All the topics related to the complete Gideros Mobile software stack are covered.
During the book, the author incrementally starts to use the most popular plugin for the Gideros Mobile, so you are getting familiar with the “fantastic plugin world” from the start.
IMHO it’s a good book.
However, if you want to find some cons, sometimes seems that it goes into too much details getting too trivial (e.g. zindex).