Dear potential ITDevCon speaker,
As every year, I’m building the agenda for next ITDevCon that will be held next october 23th, 24th in Milan (Italy), in a new location.
This will be the 6th edition ( we’re getting conference experts J )
The call for papers are officially open right now, so if you want to propose some speeches, I’ll be glad to see it.
As usual, for the Call4Paper I need:
- Title (for every talk)
- Abstract (for every talk)
- Difficulty level (for every talk. Difficulty level is a scale from 1 to 3 with the following mean: introduction, intermediate, advanced)
- Speaker’s photo
- Speaker’s profile
I’m looking forward to your proposal. The call4papers ends at Aug 31st, 2014 but if you have *VERY* interesting topic to propose, propose it… I’ll try to arrange the schedule and fit it in the agenda.
Send your proposal to call4paper(at)
Proposals will be evaluated and the speakers will be contacted ASAP.
This year topics will be the following:
What’s new in the latest Delphi versions
FireMonkey platform
MacOSX development
Android development
iOS development
Windows development
Mobile development (Android+iOS)
Develop UIs for different devices (smartphones, tablets, TV, watch etc)
BaaS integrations
LiveBindings ®
Delphi best practices
Design Patterns
Arduino e/o Raspberry Pi
Web Application with Delphi
TDD and Unit Tests
Agile methodologies
ORM and other data access patterns
Using NoSQL databases (even to speed up your VCL software)
UI, UX, optimization for mobile and desktop
Real use cases for extended RTTI, Generics e AnonMethods
RESTful interfaces design and development
- Architectures
Target audience
- Software architects
- Software developers
- Project managers
- IT managers
- Trainers
The conference web site is (2014 version is still under construction).
Do you want to see a particular topic or have a suggestion for ITDevCon2014? Let me know
Thanks and see you at ITDevCon 2014.