We proudly present a new official release of Castle Game Engine 5.1.1 http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/engine.php . Castle Game Engine is a modern cross-platform open-source 3D/2D engine for FPC/Lazarus.
See http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/news.php?id=2014-12-30 for links and full release announcement.
The main features of this release are:
* Extensive Spine (2D skeletal animations) support: https://sourceforge.net/p/castle-engine/wiki/Spine/
* Build tool, for easily compiling and packaging our programs on all platforms (including Android): https://sourceforge.net/p/castle-engine/wiki/Build%20tool/
* New shiny 3D Text implementation (fast and portable to Android).
* Many new X3D extensions, like NavigationInfo.blendingSort.
* A lot of improvements for 2D games and for Android. See also new tutorial page about developing mobile games: http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/tutorial_mobile.php
Also be sure to install on your Android device a demo of Castle Game Engine + Spine :)
It's completely free of course, and the source code is one of the examples in Castle Game Engine sources. "Dragon Spine" is also available for Windows or Linux. You can also watch the video!.
Check out also some recent games using Castle Game Engine:
* Venice - new 2D adventure game with superb graphics and storyline, in the making! https://www.facebook.com/Venicethegame
* Mountains Of Fire - split-screen cooperative survival game http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/mountains_of_fire.php
* Frogger 3D (initial version done during 1-hour gamejam by Michalis!:) https://github.com/michaliskambi/frogger3d
Have fun!
#FreePascal#ObjectPascal #GameDevelopment
See http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/news.php?id=2014-12-30 for links and full release announcement.
The main features of this release are:
* Extensive Spine (2D skeletal animations) support: https://sourceforge.net/p/castle-engine/wiki/Spine/
* Build tool, for easily compiling and packaging our programs on all platforms (including Android): https://sourceforge.net/p/castle-engine/wiki/Build%20tool/
* New shiny 3D Text implementation (fast and portable to Android).
* Many new X3D extensions, like NavigationInfo.blendingSort.
* A lot of improvements for 2D games and for Android. See also new tutorial page about developing mobile games: http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/tutorial_mobile.php
Also be sure to install on your Android device a demo of Castle Game Engine + Spine :)
It's completely free of course, and the source code is one of the examples in Castle Game Engine sources. "Dragon Spine" is also available for Windows or Linux. You can also watch the video!.
Check out also some recent games using Castle Game Engine:
* Venice - new 2D adventure game with superb graphics and storyline, in the making! https://www.facebook.com/Venicethegame
* Mountains Of Fire - split-screen cooperative survival game http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/mountains_of_fire.php
* Frogger 3D (initial version done during 1-hour gamejam by Michalis!:) https://github.com/michaliskambi/frogger3d
Have fun!
#FreePascal#ObjectPascal #GameDevelopment