Today I gave a lecture about database-free applications.
Most people who first read the title, thought that "oh you probably write to memory or disk or something", yet the lecture is not about storing data, but on one approach of designing systems to work.
It is a completely different thing, yet I find that many people can't see it, they are looking for the "catch".
This post was written prior to the actual lecture itself (a day before in fact ), so I can't tell if my lecture was good enough or not, but you have my slide notes, and the whole lecture (using html5 and reveal.js -> firefox or chrome recommended), so take a look and tell me yourself
Filed under: Object Pascal, Perl, אירועים, אסטרטגייה, חברה, טכנולוגיה, מסדי נתונים, פיתוח, קהילה, קוד פתוח, תוכנה, תכנות Tagged: designing systems, slide notes