Just around the start of the Delphi XE5 end-of-year special offer (more details below), Delphi XE5 Update 2 was released. It adds C++ Builder for iOS support, and fixes many bugs.
What I like most is that the majority of XE2 Update 2 bugfixes are not FireMonkey related.
It indicates the Delphi team puts a lot of effort in the classic Delphi stuff, where still a lot of Delphi users earn their money.
Since Delphi XE5 Update 2 is a re-install, the best is to download the ISO image which – like the updates for PAServer for Mac (ftpd) and PAServer for Windows (ftpd) – is on both the altd and ftpd server.
XE5 promotion offers
Best of all: you get RAD Studio XE5, Delphi XE5, or C++Builder XE5 (:
The offer is at http://www.embarcadero.com/radoffer
Compared to before the offer, you get these for free when you buy before the end of the month and redeem before the 15th of January 2014:
- A PDF version of the Coding in Delphi book by Nick Hodges (it will be available to all registered XE5 users, but make sure you download before the end of the month).
After the offer ends, you can order the electronic versions of the book through https://leanpub.com/codingindelphi.
Really nice book (disclaimer: I was one of the tech readers) that is complementary to all Delphi books that have appeared until now.
It also covers parts of these interesting open source Delphi frameworks:
I like they added this to cover the VCL user base.
- FM Premium Style Pack– Jet and Diamond styles.
- Mida VCL to FireMonkey Converter, Basic Edition.
- InfoPower Grid for FireMonkey.
- InterBase Server edition with 5 user licenses.
There are some restrictions on the order date, and time frame to redeem new items. And the offer does not apply to support and maintenance subscriptions. Read the fine print http://www.embarcadero.com/radoffer carefully.
Filed under: Delphi, Delphi XE5, Development, Software Development Tagged: Delphi, Delphi book