Wow we finished with Delphi XE5 a great final. One Code to multiple Platforms.
Our Product HarleyMobile is a Application for Harley Bikers (like me) to stay in contact between Dealers and Customer.
With Delphi we have written everything.
1. Webbased Administration Portal for the Dealer to insert/update the new Offers, Events, News, Employee data, Customizing Pictures, .....
2. REST Server to Communicate with the Mobile Clients
3. Apple iOS Application for Customers
4. and now Brand New the Android Version for Customers
Great success with ONE Developing System: Delphi XE5 !!!!!!
The Apps are in German Language, but in Q1 we go international in multi language
If you need to tell your boss why Delphi is great for one code for multiple platforms, here the result
Screenshots: Android Version on Smartphone:
Screenshots on Android Tablet:
Screenshots iOS Application