Once upon a time there was colour and interest a-plenty in development tool splash screens. Well, this was certainly the case with Delphi and C++Builder anyway.
And then corporate America took over and things dulled down with an unmistakable business-like tone.
Take a look through the progression of splash screen I have here and see if nostalgia strikes.
1997: Delphi 3
1998: C++Builder 3
1998: Delphi 4
1999: C++Builder 4
1999: Delphi 5
2000: C++Builder 5
2000: JBuilder 4
2001: Delphi 6
2002: Delphi 7
2004: Delphi 2005
2005: Delphi 2006
2007: Delphi 2007
2007: C++Builder 2007
2008: Delphi 2009
2008: C++Builder 2009
2009: Delphi 2010
2010: Delphi XE
2011: Delphi/RAD Studio XE2
2012: Delphi/RAD Studio XE3
2013 – Delphi XE4
2013 – Delphi XE5