This is the first of a series of articles about how use the Delphi Detours Library . On this entry I will show you how you can patch the title bar of the dock windows used by the RAD Studio IDE (or a VCL application).
The Delphi IDE uses the Vcl.CaptionedDockTree.TDockCaptionDrawer class to draw the title bar of the docked forms. Unfortunately the look and feel of the docked forms doesn’t looks very nice.
So if we want create new and nice title bar we must patch this class, specifically the DrawDockCaption method.
This is the definition of the TDockCaptionDrawer class.
TDockCaptionDrawer = class(TObject) private FDockCaptionOrientation: TDockCaptionOrientation; FDockCaptionPinButton: TDockCaptionPinButton; function GetCloseRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; function GetPinRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; function CalcButtonSize(const CaptionRect: TRect): Integer; protected property DockCaptionOrientation: TDockCaptionOrientation read FDockCaptionOrientation; public procedure DrawDockCaption(const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState); virtual; function DockCaptionHitTest(const CaptionRect: TRect; const MousePos: TPoint): TDockCaptionHitTest; virtual; constructor Create(DockCaptionOrientation: TDockCaptionOrientation); virtual; property DockCaptionPinButton: TDockCaptionPinButton read FDockCaptionPinButton write FDockCaptionPinButton; end;
The first step is create a new Delphi package in order to load the module inside of the Delphi IDE. Then we must define a trampoline with the same signature of the method to patch.
The method DrawDockCaption looks like so
procedure DrawDockCaption(const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState); virtual;
And the trampoline definition
type TDockCaptionDrawerClass = class(TDockCaptionDrawer); var Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption : function (Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest =nil;
You can note which the first parameter (Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass) of the trampoline definition include a reference to the object where is contained the original method, you can use a simple TObject as well but is better use the original class, on this case I’m using cracker class to access the protected members inside of the new patched method.
After of define the trampoline , we need create the new function which be draw the caption bar, the signature of this method must be match with the trampoline.
function CustomDrawDockCaption(Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest;
The next step is patch the address of the original method. This is done using the InterceptCreate function of the DDetours unit. This function takes two parameters which are the address of the method to patch and the address of the new method, as result the function returns a pointer to the original function.
Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption := InterceptCreate(@TDockCaptionDrawer.DrawDockCaption, @CustomDrawDockCaption);
Remember which you need restore the original address of the patched method (usually when the application is closed or the module is unloaded) this is done using the InterceptRemove function passing the trampoline variable.
if Assigned(Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption) then InterceptRemove(@Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption);
Now check the implementation of the new drawing method
function CustomDrawDockCaption(Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest; procedure DrawIcon; var FormBitmap: TBitmap; DestBitmap: TBitmap; ImageSize: Integer; X, Y: Integer; begin if (State.Icon <> nil) and (State.Icon.HandleAllocated) then begin if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin ImageSize := CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - 3; X := CaptionRect.Left; Y := CaptionRect.Top + 2; end else begin ImageSize := CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left - 3; X := CaptionRect.Left + 1; Y := CaptionRect.Top; end; FormBitmap := nil; DestBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try FormBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DestBitmap.Width := ImageSize; DestBitmap.Height := ImageSize; DestBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clFuchsia; DestBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, DestBitmap.Width, DestBitmap.Height)); FormBitmap.Width := State.Icon.Width; FormBitmap.Height := State.Icon.Height; FormBitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, State.Icon); ScaleImage(FormBitmap, DestBitmap, DestBitmap.Width / FormBitmap.Width); DestBitmap.TransparentColor := DestBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, DestBitmap.Height - 1]; DestBitmap.Transparent := True; Canvas.Draw(X, Y, DestBitmap); finally FormBitmap.Free; DestBitmap.Free; end; if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then CaptionRect.Left := CaptionRect.Left + 6 + ImageSize else CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 6 + ImageSize; end; end; function CalcButtonSize(const CaptionRect: TRect): Integer; const cButtonBuffer = 8; begin if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then Result := CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - cButtonBuffer else Result := CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left - cButtonBuffer; end; function GetCloseRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; const cSideBuffer = 4; var CloseSize: Integer; begin CloseSize := CalcButtonSize(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Right - CloseSize - cSideBuffer; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + ((CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top) - CloseSize) div 2; end else begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Left + ((CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left) - CloseSize) div 2; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 2 * cSideBuffer; end; Result.Right := Result.Left + CloseSize; Result.Bottom := Result.Top + CloseSize; end; function GetPinRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; const cSideBuffer = 4; var PinSize: Integer; begin PinSize := CalcButtonSize(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Right - 2*PinSize - 2*cSideBuffer; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + ((CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top) - PinSize) div 2; end else begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Left + ((CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left) - PinSize) div 2; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 2*cSideBuffer + 2*PinSize; end; Result.Right := Result.Left + PinSize + 2; Result.Bottom := Result.Top + PinSize; end; var ShouldDrawClose: Boolean; CloseRect, PinRect: TRect; LPngImage : TPngImage; LStartColor, LEndColor : TColor; begin Canvas.Font.Color := DockerFontColor; //check the orientation of the dock caption if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; //set the color for the border of the caption bar Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 1; //set the colors for the captin bar background if State.Focused then begin LStartColor := DockerStartEnabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndEnabledColor; end else begin LStartColor := DockerStartDisabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndDisabledColor; end; //draw the caption bar using a gradient GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, LStartColor, LEndColor, Rect(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1, CaptionRect.Right, CaptionRect.Bottom), gdVertical); //draw the border of the caption bar Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; with CaptionRect do Canvas.Polyline([Point(Left + 2, Top), Point(Right - 2, Top), Point(Right, Top + 2), Point(Right, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Bottom), Point(Left + 2, Bottom), Point(Left, Bottom - 2), Point(Left, Top + 2), Point(Left + 3, Top)]); //draw the pin buttton CloseRect := GetCloseRect(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionPinButton <> dcpbNone then begin PinRect := GetPinRect(CaptionRect); LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try if Self.DockCaptionPinButton = dcpbUp then LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock_left') else LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock'); Canvas.Draw(PinRect.Left, PinRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; CaptionRect.Right := PinRect.Right - 2; end else CaptionRect.Right := CloseRect.Right - 2; CaptionRect.Left := CaptionRect.Left + 6; DrawIcon; ShouldDrawClose := CloseRect.Left >= CaptionRect.Left; end else begin Canvas.MoveTo(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1); Canvas.LineTo(CaptionRect.Right - 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1); if State.Focused then begin LStartColor := DockerStartEnabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndEnabledColor; end else begin LStartColor := DockerStartDisabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndDisabledColor; end; GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, LStartColor, LEndColor,Rect(CaptionRect.Left, CaptionRect.Top + 2, CaptionRect.Right, CaptionRect.Bottom), gdVertical); Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; Canvas.MoveTo(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(CaptionRect.Right - 1, CaptionRect.Bottom); Canvas.Font.Orientation := 900; CloseRect := GetCloseRect(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionPinButton <> dcpbNone then begin PinRect := GetPinRect(CaptionRect); LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try if Self.DockCaptionPinButton = dcpbUp then LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock_left') else LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock'); Canvas.Draw(PinRect.Left, PinRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; CaptionRect.Top := PinRect.Bottom + 2; end else CaptionRect.Top := CloseRect.Bottom + 2; ShouldDrawClose := CaptionRect.Top < CaptionRect.Bottom; CaptionRect.Right := CaptionRect.Left + (CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - 2); CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + Canvas.TextWidth(State.Caption) + 2; if CaptionRect.Top > CaptionRect.Bottom then CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Bottom; end; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; //draw the text of the caption bar if State.Caption <> '' then begin if State.Focused then Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style + [fsBold] else Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsBold]; if ShouldDrawClose then CaptionRect.Right := CaptionRect.Right - (CloseRect.Right - CloseRect.Left) - 4; Canvas.TextRect(CaptionRect, State.Caption, [tfEndEllipsis, tfVerticalCenter, tfSingleLine]); end; //draw the close buttton if ShouldDrawClose then begin LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'close_dock'); Canvas.Draw(CloseRect.Left, CloseRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; end; Exit(0); end;
Now if we install the package on the Delphi IDE the result will be like so
If you try the above code in Delphi XE6, the captions will remain with the default IDE Theme. This is because Delphi XE6 introduces a new drawer for the IDE dock forms, this is implemented in the ModernTheme200.bpl package. So in order to make this patch works on XE6 we must patch the DrawDockCaption of this package.
First you must retrieve the signature of the method to patch and then get the address of that method. check the next code.
const sModernThemeDrawDockCaption = '@Moderntheme@TModernDockCaptionDrawer@DrawDockCaption$qqrxp20Vcl@Graphics@TCanvasrx18System@Types@TRectrx38Vcl@Captioneddocktree@TParentFormState'; {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} ModernThemeModule := LoadLibrary('ModernTheme200.bpl'); if ModernThemeModule<>0 then begin pModernThemeDrawDockCaption := GetProcAddress(ModernThemeModule, PChar(sModernThemeDrawDockCaption)); if Assigned(pModernThemeDrawDockCaption) then Trampoline_ModernDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption:= InterceptCreate(pModernThemeDrawDockCaption, @CustomDrawDockCaption); end; {$ENDIF}
Finally this is the full implementation of the new title bar for the docked forms.
uses Types, Windows, Graphics, CaptionedDockTree, PngImage, GraphUtil, Forms, DDetours; {$R Dockimages.RES} type TDockCaptionDrawerClass = class(TDockCaptionDrawer); var Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption : function (Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest =nil; {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} Trampoline_ModernDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption : function (Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest =nil; {$ENDIF} DockerFontColor : TColor = clBlack; DockerBorderColor : TColor = clBlack; DockerStartEnabledColor : TColor = clWebIvory; DockerEndEnabledColor : TColor = clWebPapayaWhip; DockerStartDisabledColor : TColor = clSilver; DockerEndDisabledColor : TColor = clSilver; {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} ModernThemeModule : HMODULE; pModernThemeDrawDockCaption : Pointer; {$ENDIF} function CustomDrawDockCaption(Self : TDockCaptionDrawerClass;const Canvas: TCanvas; CaptionRect: TRect; State: TParentFormState): TDockCaptionHitTest; procedure DrawIcon; var FormBitmap: TBitmap; DestBitmap: TBitmap; ImageSize: Integer; X, Y: Integer; begin if (State.Icon <> nil) and (State.Icon.HandleAllocated) then begin if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin ImageSize := CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - 3; X := CaptionRect.Left; Y := CaptionRect.Top + 2; end else begin ImageSize := CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left - 3; X := CaptionRect.Left + 1; Y := CaptionRect.Top; end; FormBitmap := nil; DestBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try FormBitmap := TBitmap.Create; DestBitmap.Width := ImageSize; DestBitmap.Height := ImageSize; DestBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clFuchsia; DestBitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, DestBitmap.Width, DestBitmap.Height)); FormBitmap.Width := State.Icon.Width; FormBitmap.Height := State.Icon.Height; FormBitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, State.Icon); ScaleImage(FormBitmap, DestBitmap, DestBitmap.Width / FormBitmap.Width); DestBitmap.TransparentColor := DestBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, DestBitmap.Height - 1]; DestBitmap.Transparent := True; Canvas.Draw(X, Y, DestBitmap); finally FormBitmap.Free; DestBitmap.Free; end; if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then CaptionRect.Left := CaptionRect.Left + 6 + ImageSize else CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 6 + ImageSize; end; end; function CalcButtonSize(const CaptionRect: TRect): Integer; const cButtonBuffer = 8; begin if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then Result := CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - cButtonBuffer else Result := CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left - cButtonBuffer; end; function GetCloseRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; const cSideBuffer = 4; var CloseSize: Integer; begin CloseSize := CalcButtonSize(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Right - CloseSize - cSideBuffer; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + ((CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top) - CloseSize) div 2; end else begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Left + ((CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left) - CloseSize) div 2; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 2 * cSideBuffer; end; Result.Right := Result.Left + CloseSize; Result.Bottom := Result.Top + CloseSize; end; function GetPinRect(const CaptionRect: TRect): TRect; const cSideBuffer = 4; var PinSize: Integer; begin PinSize := CalcButtonSize(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Right - 2*PinSize - 2*cSideBuffer; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + ((CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top) - PinSize) div 2; end else begin Result.Left := CaptionRect.Left + ((CaptionRect.Right - CaptionRect.Left) - PinSize) div 2; Result.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 2*cSideBuffer + 2*PinSize; end; Result.Right := Result.Left + PinSize + 2; Result.Bottom := Result.Top + PinSize; end; var ShouldDrawClose: Boolean; CloseRect, PinRect: TRect; LPngImage : TPngImage; LStartColor, LEndColor : TColor; begin Canvas.Font.Color := DockerFontColor; //check the orientation of the dock caption if Self.DockCaptionOrientation = dcoHorizontal then begin Canvas.Pen.Width := 1; //set the color for the border of the caption bar Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + 1; //set the colors for the captin bar background if State.Focused then begin LStartColor := DockerStartEnabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndEnabledColor; end else begin LStartColor := DockerStartDisabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndDisabledColor; end; //draw the caption bar using a gradient GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, LStartColor, LEndColor, Rect(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1, CaptionRect.Right, CaptionRect.Bottom), gdVertical); //draw the border of the caption bar Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; with CaptionRect do Canvas.Polyline([Point(Left + 2, Top), Point(Right - 2, Top), Point(Right, Top + 2), Point(Right, Bottom - 2), Point(Right - 2, Bottom), Point(Left + 2, Bottom), Point(Left, Bottom - 2), Point(Left, Top + 2), Point(Left + 3, Top)]); //draw the pin buttton CloseRect := GetCloseRect(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionPinButton <> dcpbNone then begin PinRect := GetPinRect(CaptionRect); LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try if Self.DockCaptionPinButton = dcpbUp then LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock_left') else LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock'); Canvas.Draw(PinRect.Left, PinRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; CaptionRect.Right := PinRect.Right - 2; end else CaptionRect.Right := CloseRect.Right - 2; CaptionRect.Left := CaptionRect.Left + 6; DrawIcon; ShouldDrawClose := CloseRect.Left >= CaptionRect.Left; end else begin Canvas.MoveTo(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1); Canvas.LineTo(CaptionRect.Right - 1, CaptionRect.Top + 1); if State.Focused then begin LStartColor := DockerStartEnabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndEnabledColor; end else begin LStartColor := DockerStartDisabledColor; LEndColor := DockerEndDisabledColor; end; GradientFillCanvas(Canvas, LStartColor, LEndColor,Rect(CaptionRect.Left, CaptionRect.Top + 2, CaptionRect.Right, CaptionRect.Bottom), gdVertical); Canvas.Pen.Color := DockerBorderColor; Canvas.MoveTo(CaptionRect.Left + 1, CaptionRect.Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(CaptionRect.Right - 1, CaptionRect.Bottom); Canvas.Font.Orientation := 900; CloseRect := GetCloseRect(CaptionRect); if Self.DockCaptionPinButton <> dcpbNone then begin PinRect := GetPinRect(CaptionRect); LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try if Self.DockCaptionPinButton = dcpbUp then LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock_left') else LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'pin_dock'); Canvas.Draw(PinRect.Left, PinRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; CaptionRect.Top := PinRect.Bottom + 2; end else CaptionRect.Top := CloseRect.Bottom + 2; ShouldDrawClose := CaptionRect.Top < CaptionRect.Bottom; CaptionRect.Right := CaptionRect.Left + (CaptionRect.Bottom - CaptionRect.Top - 2); CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Top + Canvas.TextWidth(State.Caption) + 2; if CaptionRect.Top > CaptionRect.Bottom then CaptionRect.Top := CaptionRect.Bottom; end; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; //draw the text of the caption bar if State.Caption <> '' then begin if State.Focused then Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style + [fsBold] else Canvas.Font.Style := Canvas.Font.Style - [fsBold]; if ShouldDrawClose then CaptionRect.Right := CaptionRect.Right - (CloseRect.Right - CloseRect.Left) - 4; Canvas.TextRect(CaptionRect, State.Caption, [tfEndEllipsis, tfVerticalCenter, tfSingleLine]); end; //draw the close buttton if ShouldDrawClose then begin LPngImage:=TPNGImage.Create; try LPngImage.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, 'close_dock'); Canvas.Draw(CloseRect.Left, CloseRect.Top, LPngImage); finally; end; end; Exit(0); end; {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} const sModernThemeDrawDockCaption = '@Moderntheme@TModernDockCaptionDrawer@DrawDockCaption$qqrxp20Vcl@Graphics@TCanvasrx18System@Types@TRectrx38Vcl@Captioneddocktree@TParentFormState'; {$ENDIF} procedure RefreshForms; var i : Integer; begin for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount-1 do Screen.Forms[i].Invalidate; end; initialization Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption := InterceptCreate(@TDockCaptionDrawer.DrawDockCaption, @CustomDrawDockCaption); {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} ModernThemeModule := LoadLibrary('ModernTheme200.bpl'); if ModernThemeModule<>0 then begin pModernThemeDrawDockCaption := GetProcAddress(ModernThemeModule, PChar(sModernThemeDrawDockCaption)); if Assigned(pModernThemeDrawDockCaption) then Trampoline_ModernDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption:= InterceptCreate(pModernThemeDrawDockCaption, @CustomDrawDockCaption); end; {$ENDIF} RefreshForms(); finalization if Assigned(Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption) then InterceptRemove(@Trampoline_TDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption); {$IF CompilerVersion>=27} if Assigned(Trampoline_ModernDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption) then InterceptRemove(@Trampoline_ModernDockCaptionDrawer_DrawDockCaption); {$ENDIF} RefreshForms(); end.
You can download the full source code of this package from the project page.
