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From Zero To One: TAnyValue, an attempt to make the best variable data container


And the saga continues :) . If you don’t know what the hell I am talking about read the first three articles in the series on this subject:

The latest resulting TAnyValue implementation presented in the last article was good, fast and had resonable memory size (12 bytes). But two things bothered me to no end:

  1. I could not finalize the record when it goes out of scope, so I can’t properly clean up, resulting in non-optimal solutions for data fields (dynamic array, IInterface…)
  2. I had to use three fields for data. One dynamic record, one IInterface and one dynamic array. This was so because I needed to store strings and interfaces along with extended type and have all that clean on its own when record falls out of scope. Yes I could only use IInterface for all non trivial data types but the speed goes down the drain. Having three fields was fine on 32 bit, resulting in 12 bytes size of the record, but on 64x is goes up to 24 bytes. I was not happy at all.

I don’t give up so easily so I pondered what are my options. I really do not understand why in all these years Delphi development team did not make records with destructors and constructors available. It would just take them one simple call to a procedure for each. Maybe I am not seeing something, but it would be trivial for them to make it. Doing that would open vast possibilities for developers. So I had to find a way to fix that shortcoming.  The only solution I could see working, was hooking some of the procedures in System.pas. The main targets would be:

  • _FinalizeRecord
  • _CopyRecord
  • _AddRefRecord

The most important here is _FinalizeRecord which is called by the compiler when record goes out of scope and such a record contains an open array or IInterface or a string variable. Basically each variable that needs finalization triggers the call to _FinalizeRecord. The problem is that this is compiler magic. Compiler knows at compile time what the record holds and calls the procedure if needed, when the record goes out of scope and is freed. So I had to hook it and make sure that it gets called for TAnyValue. I don’t like hooks, I see them as last resort to solve a particular problem. Here this was a last resort and it was not a system wide hook (which should be used only in very, very special cases). Before I would use the hook, I needed to see if certain conditions were meet.

  1. The hook needs to be stable under 32 and 64 bit.
  2. There should be minimal to no overhead from the hook
  3. The hook should not interfere with other hooks and with original procedure
  4. You should avoid hooking procedures or functions with very high call frequency

To answer that:

  1. I used KOLDetours.pas which will become part of the Cromis library. The unit is very stable and work equally well under 32 and 64 bit. Also the licence is very liberal and I can easily include it in my library. Naturally I will retain the licence and made perfectly clear who is the author and who the credit goes to.
  2. The overhead is basically non existent.  All I do is one simple pointer comparison and then I either call my finalize or the original finalize.
  3. Because this is not a simple patch but a detour I just call the original _FinalizeRecord if the record is not TAnyValue. Also this technique allows for multiple hooks to coexist.
  4. _FinalizeRecord and _CopyRecord have not such a high frequency as GetMem or FreeMem and similar. They are frequently called but because of no overhead that is not an issue. I did not hook _AddRefRecord because I believe that it is not even ever called for the solution I made.

Ok to the implementation then. How does it all work? First we hook the procedures and get the pointer to the TAnyValue TypeInfo.

  vTypeInfo :=TypeInfo(TAnyValue);
  OldCopyRecord := InterceptCreate(GetCopyRecordAddress,@CustomCopyRecord);
  OldFinalizeRecord := InterceptCreate(GetFinalizeRecordAddress,@CustomFinalizeRecord);

Here we need the addresses of functions to hook. We can’t get them from pascal, because they are protected, compiler won’t see them that way. But we can get them with assembler.

initializationfunction GetFinalizeRecordAddress:Pointer;asm{$IFDEF CPUX64}
  mov rcx, offset System.@FinalizeRecord;
  mov @Result, rcx;{$ELSE}
  mov @Result, offset System.@FinalizeRecord;{$ENDIF}end;

You can get any address this way. Now that we have the addresses, we can write our improved and specialized _FinalizeRecord and _CopyRecord for TAnyValue

procedure FinalizeAnyValue(p : PAnyValue);beginif p.ValueType<> avtNone thenbegincase p.ValueTypeof
      avtString, avtAnsiString, avtWideString:string(PValueData(@p.ValueData).VPointer):='';
      avtInterface: IInterface(PValueData(@p.ValueData).VPointer):=nil;{$IFNDEF CPUX64}
    // set type to none and erase all data
    p.ValueType:= avtNone;end;end; 
procedure CopyAnyValue(dest, source : PAnyValue);var
  dstData: PValueData;
  srcData: PValueData;begin
  dstData := PValueData(@dest.ValueData);
  srcData := PValueData(@source.ValueData); 
  if dest.ValueType<> source.ValueTypethenbegin
    dest.ValueType:= source.ValueType; 
  {$IFNDEF CPUX64}case dest.ValueTypeof
  case source.ValueTypeof{$IFNDEF CPUX64}
    avtInterface: IInterface(dstData.VPointer):= IInterface(srcData.VPointer);
    avtString, avtAnsiString, avtWideString:string(dstData.VPointer):=string(srcData.VPointer);else
    dstData^:= srcData^;end;end;

All that is left are the detour functions.

procedure CustomCopyRecord(Dest, Source, TypeInfo:Pointer);beginif vTypeInfo = typeInfo then
    CopyAnyValue(PAnyValue(Dest), PAnyValue(Source))else
    OldCopyRecord(Dest, Source, typeInfo);end; 
procedure CustomFinalizeRecord(p:Pointer; typeInfo:Pointer);beginif vTypeInfo = typeInfo then
    OldFinalizeRecord(p, typeInfo);end;

See how little overhead there is. Basically none, I just compare two pointers and that is all. Also for other records then TAnyValue I just call the original functions. Here I have to say that Eric Grange who jumped in to the discussion at the last article helped me a lot with hooks and with record structure. So a public thanks to him for all the ideas and solutions he helped me provide with.

Ok the dirty hooking details are behind us. Now lets see how we did with the record structure. Because we can now cleanup properly, we can be much more creative with how we structure our record. I made the following structure.

  PAnyValue =^TAnyValue;
  TAnyValue =packedrecordprivate
    ValueData: IInterface;{$HINTS OFF}{$IFNDEF CPUX64}
      Padding :array[0..3]ofByte;{$ENDIF}{$HINTS ON}
    ValueType: TValueType;function GetAsInt64:Int64;inline;...

You may now wonder why the IInterface variable in the record. Well it is there for two purposes. First we need to trigger the _FinalizeRecord by the compiler and IInterface does just that. On the other hand it provides us with 4 bytes of space we can use. Now you probably know, why the additional array [0..3] of Byte. I need additional 4 bytes on 32 bit to store Int64, Double etc… directly without calling GetMem. On 64 bit IInterface itself is 8 bytes so no padding is needed. Quite a neat solution. It only takes 8 bytes on 32 bit and 64 bit per single record (plus one byte for type enumeration). Lets just look how data is stored and read. For most types its just like that

procedure TAnyValue.SetAsInteger(const Value:Integer);beginif ValueType <> avtInteger thenbeginSelf.Clear;
    ValueType := avtInteger;end; 
  // assign the actual value
  PValueData(@ValueData).VInteger:= Value;end; 
function TAnyValue.GetAsInteger:Integer;beginif ValueType = avtInteger then
    Result := PValueData(@ValueData).VIntegerelse
    Result := GetAsIntegerWithCast;end; 
function TAnyValue.GetAsIntegerWithCast:Integer;begincase ValueType of
    avtBoolean: Result :=Integer(GetAsBoolean);
    avtString: Result :=StrToInt(GetAsString);
    avtAnsiString: Result :=StrToInt(string(GetAsAnsiString));
    avtWideString: Result :=StrToInt(string(GetAsWideString));elseraise Exception.Create('Value cannot be converted to Integer');end;end;

Separate getters are because of the inlining and exceptions. Strings on the other hand are store like this

procedure TAnyValue.SetAsString(const Value:string);beginSelf.Clear;
  ValueType := avtString;string(PValueData(@ValueData).VPointer):= Value;end; 
function TAnyValue.GetAsString:string;beginif ValueType = avtString then
    Result :=string(PValueData(@ValueData).VPointer)else
    Result := GetAsStringWithCast;end; 
function TAnyValue.GetAsStringWithCast:string;begincase ValueType of
    avtNone: Result :='';
    avtBoolean: Result :=BoolToStr(AsBoolean,True);
    avtCardinal: Result :=IntToStr(AsCardinal);
    avtInteger: Result :=IntToStr(AsInteger);
    avtInt64: Result :=IntToStr(AsInt64);
    avtFloat: Result :=FloatToStr(AsFloat);
    avtDateTime: Result :=DateTimeToStr(AsDateTime);{$IFDEF UNICODE}
    avtAnsiString: Result :=string(AsAnsiString);{$ENDIF}
    avtWideString: Result := AsWideString;elseraise Exception.Create('Value cannot be converted to string');end;end;

This way we have reference counting which is very important. Same goes for interfaces. The only special one is Extended. It is like this.

procedure TAnyValue.SetAsFloat(const Value:Extended);beginif ValueType <> avtFloat thenbeginSelf.Clear;
    ValueType := avtFloat;{$IFNDEF CPUX64}GetMem(PValueData(@ValueData).VPointer,SizeOf(Extended));{$ENDIF}end; 
{$IFNDEF CPUX64}PExtended(PValueData(@ValueData).VPointer)^:= Value;{$ELSE}
  PValueData(@ValueData).VDouble:= Value;{$ENDIF}end; 
function TAnyValue.GetAsFloat:Extended;beginif ValueType = avtFloat thenbegin{$IFNDEF CPUX64}
    Result :=PExtended(PValueData(@ValueData).VPointer)^{$ELSE}
    Result := PValueData(@ValueData).VDouble{$ENDIF}endelse
    Result := GetAsFloatWithCast;end;

Because extended is 10 bytes on 32 bit systems, I refused to use that 2 additional bytes. It messes with aligning and its just not worth the trouble. The speed difference is negligible anyway. You might wonder why not just use Double? As you know Extended is mapped to Double on 64 bit anyway. I do use double. I have special getter and setter for Double type. The reason for using extended is twofold:

  1. Some people may need extended sometimes. The reasons may wary but still, they may need it.
  2. The compiler resolves I / 5 to extended type. So direct assignment fails.

This won’t compile if you have only Double on the implicit operators

  AnyValue := I /5;

You have to write it like this

  AnyValue.AsDouble:= I /5;

The final tests, taken again, only on 32 bit XE3 are

Delphi XE3 test (times are in ms for 10000000 operations):

j := I1492668727062
j := I/52363161014151222
j := IntToStr(I)32914856218557761648

The results show how close to the best speed, that a full blown record has, we came. Very close to the limit. I thinks this is really a very good variable container for data holding and transfer, way better then variants. And it can be further developed almost without limitations now that we can finalize. I also think that hooking is so stable and has no overhead that this is a perfectly viable solution. I will test this further and when the code is clean and well tested it will become the official TAnyValue.

You can download the current code along with the test here. It has to be added that the test only tests assigning variables and reading them. It does not address memory allocations / releases. I have a new test for that, but that is already way beyond the scope of this article.

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